ChatGPT for advice on common GI endoscopic procedures: the promise and the peril

Post written by Daniel Yan Zheng Lim, MRCP, MTech, from Duke-NUS Medical School, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Singapore General Hospital, and Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore.


This study examines the ability of ChatGPT to answer common questions about endoscopic procedures that patients might pose.

ChatGPT is an advanced artificial intelligence chatbot based on the Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 (GPT3; OpenAI, San Francisco, Calif, USA). It has excellent general language capabilities and is readily accessible to the general public, including patients.

However, it is not specifically trained for medical tasks and can supply incorrect information (ie, hallucinations). It is important for endoscopists to understand the range of reliable information and misinformation that a patient could obtain from consulting ChatGPT.

We found that advice dispensed by ChatGPT was easily comprehended and would be accessible to a layperson. Information pertaining to periprocedural care and EGD, colonoscopy, and EUS (mainly for diagnostic indications) was of fair quality, with minor inconsistencies.

Yet, information on ERCP had significant inaccuracies and errors. Endoscopists must warn patients of the risks of misinformation when consulting ChatGPT. If ChatGPT is used in clinical care as a chatbot, techniques to curb misinformation (eg, fine-tuning, retrieval-augmented generation) will need to be applied.

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Read the full article online.

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